
Crowdfunding for books
and projects

Crowdbound is a new crowdpublishing platform that we created in June 2022 to support books that cover social inclusion or environmental sustainability. It also supports projects in these areas by other organisations and individuals. The platform offers a unique way for authors to both cover the publishing costs of books that we would otherwise struggle to afford, as well as building the momentum for sales for release. Crowdbound stands out from other crowdfunding sites by being completely free to use, charitably run and providing enhanced levels of support.


We have always wanted to support more authors with brilliant books, yet struggled due to the fact that getting funding for such work is very difficult, and since the book publishing industry is dominated by a handful of large corporations. As an outsider, lived experience, non-profit organisation, we nonetheless persisted to get work published for over 5 years, on minimal funding – through the dedication of volunteers, generous donations and also through proceeds of book sales. We were aware of the crowdpublishing model for many years, including its iteration in the UK through Unbound, and knew that it could be made much more accessible and fairer to authors. Only in 2022, after the support of Big Issue Foundation and Peoples Postcode Lottery, were we finally able to launch Crowdbound.

All future books will be directed to this new avenue for getting published, although we will maintain the onus on supporting authors from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and ensure, in exceptional cases where crowdfunding isn’t possible for them, we will either manage campaigns on their behalf or dip into our limited reserves to get their books published without a campaign. We hope, in due course, to support a whole array of significant titles through Crowdbound, alongside pioneering projects that share our founding purposes of improving social inclusion and environmental sustainability. Thank you to everyone who has come with us on this exciting journey!

Latest books supported or scheduled to be supported through Crowdbound


For Authors

Focuses on under-represented and diverse authors whose books cover important social or environmental themes.


For Organisations and Individuals

Supports projects that aim to improve social inclusion or environmental sustainability.


Free, Accessible and Unique

No costs, no imposed high amounts to raise, simple and easy to use, with a range of dedicated support.

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