Young rebel warrior Amiel begins a deadly mission into uncharted forest lands. Her town is under threat by a mysterious warlord known only as Decius, who lurks among the trees. Soon he plans to march forth with his army, leaving only death and destruction.
To save her homeland, Amiel must find and destroy Decius – even if it means sacrificing her life in the process. But, as she journeys further from civilisation, Amiel’s reality begins to shift. Myths of strange saints and powerful warriors that use forgotten techniques slowly become reality. In the dirt and shadows of the forest, familiar figures are twisted, with even holy men harbouring a rage in their hearts.
Will Amiel’s mission be victorious? Can she triumph over the evil Decius and save her homeland? She has to believe it will be so…
‘A read of twisting enticement that kept me glued to the pages till its end – truly an accomplishment for the writer.’ – Danielle Restair