Perestroika is a historical fiction novel that provides thrilling insights
into the late Communist era. The book opens in 1978 and introduces
citizens of Slavia like artist Ludwig Kirchner, struggling to survive in
concentration camps, whilst the terrifying elites of the regime live in
luxury and moral depravity. It all changes in 1989, with Perestroika. In
the revolutionary turmoil, former crime boss Ivan Fiorov leads the
newly formed ‘Freedom Party’, heralding a wave of insecurity that
resembles the previous dictatorship.
Revenge, redemption and catharsis collide head on with recent
European history. With Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, alongside a
resurgence of populist leaders and neo-Nazi movements across the
world, Perestroika is as much a lens into the present as an exciting
epitome for the past.